It's a bird papercraft. A cute long tail bird paper model for your collection. Free printable template that you can download, and tutorial by mekr200
The name of the bird is kinda weird. It's called Long-tailed Tit, under Aegithalos caudatus species. It is a very small bird at only 13–15 cm in length including its very long tail, which makes up 7–9 cm of the total. You can find more info about it at wiki, Long tailed tit (bird). To get the printable template for this, you need to read the hint in the note section. Because the site is in flash so it's a bit tricky.

Information :
Free template : Yes
Assembly instruction : Yes
Notes : It looks cute right? I bet you are impatiently waiting for the template to make it. Well, as I said the site is in flash, japanese language. For a start, when you visit the site, wait till the loading finished. Then look at the bottom of the page. There are 4 links there. Link that you want to choose is written in japanese, the second link next to top. Just click it and you will be brought to a list of paper model. Click on the bird picture (004). Then on the picture there are 2 links. The first link that mention 'download pdf' is for you to download the template and the second link is for tutorial. Tutorial is also in flash, just move the mouse over the flash and next button will appear. It is 4 pages of tutorial. Got it? If you have any problem just leave me a message ok. Till then, enjoy this long tail tit bird paper model.

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